
Winter stars dangled over the cloudless skies. Faint light cast over a pitch-black outline of rolling hills. At 7:15 sharp, Mary Price unlocks the doors of the Perry Town Hall, a one-room schoolhouse lined top-to-bottom in wooden paneling.  “We have sort of an unusual situation tonight,” Price says...
The Village of Blue Mounds plans for forthcoming single and multi-family development at the February 12th board meeting. Kyo Ladopoulos and the Village started the process to figure out with to do with commercial lots that have been empty since 2006. With 14 years of no activity, the owner said he’...
The Town Board met February 10th and did not delay. The meeting kicked off with action on the Memorandum of Understanding to work with the Capital Area Regional Planning Commission for mapping and data services. After learning the town would save money being on the same schedule as everyone else,...
The Mount Horeb Recreation Department is proud to announce Mary Nelson as the winner of the 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award.   Without dedicated volunteers, the recreation department would not be able to offer quality programs and activities for the residents of Mount Horeb and surrounding areas...
Feeder birds can be persnickety.  Chickadees and titmice pick a single kernel and off going to perch, peak, and get a seed from a dry fruit. What would happen if there was no perch to perch on, even initially, before determining if they should come and partake? Perches are important for birds to...
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20    “Fall Prevention” by Capital Physical Therapy, 10:30am, Mt. Horeb Senior Center    Lunch outing, Sugar River, leaving at 10:30am, Mt. Horeb Senior Center    Community Clothes Closet open 5:00-7:00pm   FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21   SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22    Community Clothes Closet...
Last Tuesday evening SWWAP (South Western Wisconsin Progressives) volunteers hosted a community forum with WKOW Meteorologist Bob Lindmeier on climate change in Wisconsin and what we can do about it.   They invited the Mount Horeb Citizens’ Climate Lobby chapter to cosponsor the event and set up an...
We have often heard negative stories about VA Hospitals around the country, but in this installment of the Commander’s Corner I wanted to tell a very positive, good news story about the VA Hospital in our own back yard.  We are very fortunate to have one of the best Veterans Hospitals in the...
With love in the air on the eve of Valentine’s Day, Pepé Le Pew decided to take Penelope Pussycat out for a quick drink at Morgan’s in Pine Bluff.  Pipe Benders Ross Neshiem and Jeff Ellingson asked Pepé and Penelope over to their table where they were so kind as to introduce them to Mounties...
“Mary Poppins is ready for triage,” said a disembodied voice over the intercom, the words tumbling down the hallways and wafting through the magazine-strewn waiting room. “Mary Poppins is ready for triage.” A few minutes later, a woman rushed in with Sasquatch, who had eaten more yarn than is...


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